Then on Saturday we were looking for something fun to do...there wasn't even soccer to interfere. So we packed a lunch and headed to West Knoxville for Earthfest. Go Green! Draven & Brody had lots of fun digging in a compost pile for worms, making newspaper hats, and playing catch with a tennis ball and empty milk cartons (I thought that one was a little extreme). I forgot my camera, so you'll have to plug into my head to see how cute Draven was in his newspaper hat. Brody wouldn't wear his so I did. As we walked to the car lots of people were laughing.
When we got home I finally planted our vegetable garden. Last year I planted at the end of March, because that's what things say to do for our region. Then everything died when the mid-April freeze happened. So, this year I waited, and the mid-April freeze came again. This year we moved the veggies to the side of the house (Pierce cringed every time he came home last year when they were in the front), and I planted roma & sandwich tomatoes, corn, & watermelon. We also have peas that the boys planted at Earthfest, and Strawberries that have been growing. Does anyone know how peas grow? I can't decide where to put those.
Tonight we had FHE. Pierce gave a lesson on Journaling. We talked about how we're printing our blog entries to use as a journal, but that the boys also need to write their own thoughts. So we had Draven and Brody each tell us their favorite part of this week while I wrote it down. Draven had fun with that. Brody said his favorite song is My Green Kite, by Peter Himmelman, and his best friend is Draven (it was Brielle on Wednesday so who knows how long this will last). I think PJ is most excited about finally learning to pull up and sit down on his own. Does anyone have any good ideas for getting Brody to participate more in FHE?
The most fun part of the weekend was spending it together. With soccer, mowing the grass, grocery shopping, etc. sometimes it's hard to just play together, even on the weekends. So that was my favorite part!
Sounds like you guys had one of those ideal Saturdays...nothing at all on the calendar! - oh, I am not going to have one of those until June!!!
Thanks for my compliment. I do try hard, but there is always room for improvement. I really did think the picnic turned out great. I was so glad that so many people came and seemed to enjoy themselves.
ANd, I am so happy to have you in Relief Society...for a long time, I felt like the only one in there under 50! And, I have to say that even though I would really like to retire from Activities, I am very happy that I didn't have to go back to primary just yet. Maybe in another 6 months I will be ready.
And, WOW..that shot of the sunset is awesome...I don't even think I took the second to notice it on Friday night...I chose to play 5 minutes of soccer instead of looking up at the beauty...thanks for the share.
Among other things, you're also a good photographer. Capturing a moment in time, the very essence of grandfather and grandson. I love it!
What a fun, fun day! I love Saturdays like that!
We need to get our garden planted! YIKES!
PS: Your cards will be mailed tomorrow. I ran out of envelopes and have to get some after school today.
You guys had a great weekend! We just love those boys and I wont tell Brielle that Brody has a new best friend! Alos, good work on the garden, we hope the freeze wont get us too.
I'm not sure, but I think you need to have a fence or trellis for peas to climb on. Carol & John have peas along their garden fence. You should go see their garden!!!!
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